Unique Pearled Candle Centerpiece Ideas

Are you hosting a holiday dinner and need a unique conversation starter?
Use Foton Pearled Candles to create incredible centerpieces that are guaranteed to catch people's eye and get them to ask more about your unique candle.
As you're preparing your holiday tables, we wanted to share a few creative ways to make your Foton Candles even more eye-catching.
1. Mix different colors of Foton pearls
Did you do sand art as a kid? This is kind of like that, but a grownup version...that you can light on fire!
Combine different colors of Foton pearls to create unique designs that are one-of-a-kind. Whether you layer different colors of Foton pearls, use a cookie cutter as a stencil to make a surface design, or put different Foton colors side-by-side for an ombre look, there's just something really cool and fun about getting creative with colored Foton pearls.
Here's how to make this unique Foton Pearled Candle centerpiece with an ombre color pattern.
- Grab two (or more) colors of Foton pearls
- Pour the colors side-by side at the same time to fill your container
- Use a sharp-ish object (like your wick dipper from the Foton Accessories Kit) to blend the color interface for a smoother transition.
- Add and light your Foton wicks.
2. Use a unique container
One of the best parts about Foton pearls is that you can use them to turn almost anything into a unique candle. It's a great way to repurpose decorative bowls, trays, and even old trophies into candles to give them a new life. It gives you a reason to wipe the dust off your unique pieces that you haven't had an excuse to display in years. All that while also helping reduce waste since you're not buying and tossing another candle jar after a single use.
Before you start rummaging through your house to find what else you can turn into a candle, make sure to review the fire safety requirements to ensure the container is safe to use as a candle. You can check out this recent blog post for detailed info on what containers are safe to use for Foton candles.
3. Add accessories to your pearled candles
Another way to make your Foton candles look unique is to add decorations into your candle. That said, it's important to keep fire safety in mind and opt towards non-flammable objects. Whatever decor you choose to add to your Foton, ensure there's enough space between the wick and the accessories you use to prevent the melt pool from reaching the decor for fire safety. This generally means 2 inches of space should be clear around each standard Foton wick, but always keep a close eye on your candles to ensure safe burning.
4. Float the candle pearls on water
There's just something really magical about floating candles, especially with pearled candles. If you're looking for how to make floating candle centerpiece for a special event or just some creative home decor, here are quick steps on how to create your floating candles with Foton Pearled Candles! Just keep in mind that only the white Foton pearls float on water, the colors do not.
Whether you decide to go all out with your pearled candle designs or keep things simple by refilling an old candle jar, we hope your holiday season is filled with cozy evenings, time with loved ones, and beautiful candlelight. Check out the Foton Holiday Collection for our best seasonal deals on all things Foton (available in the USA, Canada, and Australia only).